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Re: new potential task

Tom Tromey wrote:

> A couple folks have remarked to me off-line that we don't talk about
> MI much on the archer list.
> And, since Eclipse support is one of our major goals, we definitely
> need to be thinking about MI.  Not having this on our list was a big
> oversight!  Whoops.
> So, the addition to our task list is looking into notable MI problems
> and fixing them.  For the estimation phase I think this would mean
> talking to Eclipse developers (and possibly other GUI developers),
> looking in Eclipse bugzilla, gdb gnats, etc, and trying to see what is
> important enough to fix (and coming up with a set of criteria to help
> decide this).
> FWIW a tricky thing here is not diverging too much from main-line gdb.
> I think it would be preferable not to do this too much, if at all.
> We can talk volunteers on Wednesday :)

Well, my personal list of MI issues is at:

and most of them have relation to C++. Some are hard, so help is always

- Volodya

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