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some questions about gprof

I wrote a simple programe test.c:
#incude <malloc.h>
    int i;
    char *p;
    for (i = 0; i<10000; i++){
        if (i % 10) p =(char*)malloc(16);
        else p = (char*)malloc(16);
and compile it using 'gcc -g -pg -a test.c -o test'.
After test finish runing, I first run gprof like this: gprof -b -p test. But
I can't find any record on the malloc sytem call.
Then I try the Annotated Source code listing by 'gprof -b -A test', but
output is nothing.
So please tell me how to show the number of system and annotated source code
listing. thanks
my os is solaris, gcc-2.95.2, gprof -2.6.


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