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Can GNU ld be forced to resolve symbols during partial linking ?

Hi all,

I am using GNU ld from binutils 2.13 , it is configured for the h8300-hms 
processor (hitachi), but I think the problem I have is a general one.

I want to link two object files together that are both dependant on the same 
library. I want to link that certain library statically to both object files, 
so they don't contain any more unresolved symbols to functions in the 
library. In the final linking step I want to link both object files together, 
resolving symbols that are only known in that stage (concerning positions and 
sizes of code). I need to have the library available in flash memory and in 
ram memory, so I need to link it twice.

I tried partially linking with the -r option and -l options to tell the 
linker what library it needs to link. But if I look to such a partially 
linked object file with objdump I see that calls to library functions are not 
yet resolved , I hoped I would see absolute adresses to funcions in the 
assembler code but I don't see them. Apparently ld does not resolve any 
symbol in this stage, it does this in the stage where an absolute executable 
is linked together, giving me only 2 options. Put the library in memory only 
once (which is not what I want) or have the linker compain about double 
defined symbols (what it does when I link the library to both object files).

My question is , can ld be forced to resolve all resolvable symbols during a 
partial link (with -r) and leaving all other symbols unresolved, to be 
resolved in a second linking stage ??

I hope you can help me,


Lambert Duijst

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