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Re: ld --exclude-symbols problems

> Personally, since this has now come up twice, I think the manual needs
> to be changed to mention in each option that the option is specific to
> i386 PE.  Right now the manual reads correctly if you read it from top
> to bottom, but many people skip around in an info or HTML file, and
> when you do that the manual is misleading.

The man page definitely has to be changed. I did notice that this is 
described in DLL portion of man page, but then I searched for dll and 
found that '--dll' means to create a DLL... you may also use '-shared'. 
Aha, so --dll and -share are the same thing, so probably the man page 
just uses "dll" and "shared lib" interchangeably.
Since I had no idea what version-script is, and it is fairly easy to find 
--exclude-symbols in the man page, I think just putting a pointer to 
version-scripts in that section would be very helpful.
Thanks again.

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