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Re: ELF file format

Hi Siva,

>    I want to have the size of the .text, .data , .bss from the
> object file (.o file) produced by the assembler.
>   I used COSMIC ST7 compiler, Borland compiler to generate the .o
>  file.

Does the Borland compiler not have a utility similar to 'size' which
can give you this information ?

The GNU binutils do not support the STMicroelectronics ST7 part, so
you will not be able to use them to help you examine the object files.

> Is the size utility or the objdump will only accept the .o file
> generated by the gcc compiler ?

No - but they will only accept a object files for targets for which
support has been written.  This is a wide range of processors, but
unfortunately the ST7 is not one of them.


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