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Re: [patch] modify crt0.S for 64-bit address targets

On Wed, 5 Apr 2005 wrote:

> I'm probably confused/mistaken but... i thought 'la' was supposed to
> generate a 32-bit address (and dla generate a 64-bit address)?  Or
> maybe they always generate the address of the ABI in use?  I
> forget... so much change.

 AFAIK, the only reason for both "dla" and "la" to exist is history and 
compatibility with existing code -- there is no need to encode the address 
size in the mnemonic as its already implied by the ABI in use.  
Therefore, as far as gas is concerned, both expand to the same code -- 
it's just they generate different warning messages and for different 
conditions: "dla" complains about being used for ABIs that have 32-bit 
registers and "la" does that for ones that have 64-bit addresses.


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