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Re: v850-unknown-elf-objdump, can't disassemble for architecture unknown


here's the bzip2'ed ELF file i've generated with the GreenHills tool chain.

The line in the Makefile that links the ELF file is this below.  The whole
Makefile is distributed over several files and also relies on a certain source
directory structure and involves other tools i can't send here.

$(F_ELF2): $(OBJ_C) $(OBJ_A)
	$(LD) -T$(F_LCF) \
	-map=$(F_MAP) \
	-callgraph=$(F_CALLGRAPH) \
	-nokeepmap \
	-sda \
	-a \
	-Mnx \
	-r \
	-Y UL,$(GPATH)\v850e \
	$(GPATH)\v850e\crt0.o \
	-lmulti \
	-lnoflt \
	-lansi \
	-lind \
	-lsys \
	-lstartup \
	-larch \
	-o $@ \

For compiling i use:

TCFLAGS	:=	-delete \
			-slashcomment \
			-Ospace \
			-no_prepare_dispose \
			-callt \
			-r20has255 \
			-r21has65535 \
			-fnone \
			-notda \
			-cpu=v850e \
			-registermode=32 \
			-G \
			-g \
			-c2000 \
			-map \
			-list \
			-passsource \
			-lnk=Qn \

I don't think "-cpu=v850e" is a problem.  At the moment i use tool version
3.5.1 on an V850E core.  But i also had the same message as a warning
message a normal V850 with an ELF file generated with tool version 1.8.9.

I'll look up the exact command that brought up this message tomorrow in the
office.  I'm pretty sure it did not involve disassembling.

Best regards,

> Hi Torsten,
> > v850-unknown-elf-objdump: Can't disassemble for architecture UNKNOWN!
> Are you sure that you are giving v850-unknown-elf-objdump an ELF binary
> that contains v850 instructions ?  This message means that the objdump
> program did not recognise the format of the instructions inside the
> binary file that it had been asked to disassemble.
> > I created an empty project with just some basic stuff in it and created
> > an ELF file (~35 kB).  I could post this here if it would help.
> Yes please.  (Compressed if possible please).  Can you also tell us how
> you created this binary ?  ie what command line(s) were involved ?
> > Can i modify the ELF file in a way to make objdump work?
> No, but you could try creating a different objdump program that might
> work.  If you configure a new build with this switch:
>    --enable-targets=all
> instead of --target=v850-unknown-elf, and then build objdump you *may*
> end up with a version that will recognise your file.  Of course this is
> assuming that the GreenHills toolchain that you are using is producing
> binaries that are compatible with the GNU binutils.  This may well not
> be true.
> Cheers
>    Nick

Attachment: ilmg_rom.elf.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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