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Re: PATCH: windres wrote on 23.04.2007 14:25:54:

> I'm sorry that I missed this before but what was the rationale for
> replacing the (f)lex file with a .c file?  That seems like a step 
> to me.

The use of flex looks more professional, but at a closer look a pure c 
lexer is getting
easier to maintain and more efficant. E.g. gcc use now for a long term no 
flex anymore to
implement the c token scanner. To use flex is sometimes as to break a fly 
on the wheel.
> You also have \r\n endings in the file that you provided.  It's a minor
> issue but, as long as I'm here...

Upps. Corrected it, see attachment ;)

 i.A. Kai Tietz

  OneVision Software Entwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG
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  Tel: +49.(0)941.78004.0 - Fax: +49.(0)941.78004.489 -
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  Handelsregister: HRA 6744, Amtsgericht Regensburg
  KomplementÃrin: OneVision Software Entwicklungs Verwaltungs GmbH
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  Handelsregister: HRB 8932, Amtsgericht Regensburg - GeschÃftsfÃhrer: 
Ulrike DÃhler, Manuela Kluger

Attachment: rclex.c
Description: Binary data

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