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Question about EXCLUDE FILE in ld script

Dear all:
I read ld.pdf and there is a chapter describes the usage of EXCLUDE FILE

"To exclude a list of files from
matching the file name wildcard, EXCLUDE FILE may be used to match all
files except
the ones specified in the EXCLUDE FILE list. For example:
*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *otherfile.o) .ctors)
will cause all .ctors sections from all files except 'crtend.o' and
'otherfile.o' to be included. "

My question is:
Why we have to use "*crtend.o" and "*otherfile.o" instead of
"crtend.o" and "otherfile.o".
We are going to exclude 2 files, cretend.o and otherfile.o.
if we add * in front to file name, we may interpret it as
"xxxcretend.o" and "xxxotherfile.o", since we use * as wildcard.
Or Is this a rule to specify file name in EXCLUDE_FILE?

appreciate your help,

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