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Please guide me about gcov and gprof for basic-block information


I am writing to ask you about gcov and gprof.

1) I am trying gcov for a cpp program (using gcov test.cpp after running the
program)for gathering basic block information. but I encounter to this error:
test.gcno : can not open graph file.
I used -pg -profile-arcs and -ftest-coverage for compiling. Would you please
guide me about this error? How and test.bbg files are created?

2)  I examined "gprof -i test gmon.out bb.out" and the results were :

File `gmon.out' (version 1) contains:
	1 histogram record
	5 call-graph records
	0 basic-block count records
bb.out: No such file or directory

also about bb.out.conv!

Please guide me how I can have basic-block count records for a program?
and also please let me know if I can use another tool for basic block profiling.

your help would be highly appreciated,

best regards,

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