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Re: Pdf vesion of the doumentation.

You can download the lastest release version of binutils, configure
and build it.  Then at the top level, do a "make pdf".


在 2010年9月8日下午4:51,Alexey Zaytsev <> 寫道:
> Hello.
> Is there a reason the pdf version, nor the single file html one is
> available for download?
> I surely can generate them myself, which I did, probably for the third
> time now, but would it be possible to just have them online to save
> everyone's time?
> Or, if there is a strong reason not to generate pfds, maybe it would
> be possible to switch to single-file htmls? The bandwidth is hardly a
> problem now, and it is a lot easier to search in a single html file.

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