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a mismatch in warning message from elfxx-mips.c

Hi all,
I found in function mips_elf_merge_obj_attributes, ld complains about
different Tag_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP
between infile and outfile. and there is a minor mismatch in following
warning message, and so on:

switch (out_attr[Tag_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP].i)
	  case 1:
	    switch (in_attr[Tag_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP].i)
	      case 2:
		  (_("Warning: %B uses -msingle-float, %B uses -mdouble-float"),
<---------------here, should be double-float
		   obfd, ibfd);

I guess it should be:  %B uses -mdouble-float, %B uses -mdouble-float,
according to the definition
of Tag_GNU_MIPS_ABI_FP in file include/elf/mips.h

Best Regards.

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