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Re: PAGE Size change on MIPS

Hi Naveen,

I want to change page size in kernel. shall I need to change in
binutils the following values.


How can i check what the max page size a particular
toolchain support.

By looking at the code in the target specific files in the bfd library. The max page size can in theory be set to any number you like, but obviously the intention is that it matches the maximum page size supported by the runtime system where the built binaries will be executing.

If you need to find out the max page size for an installed toolchain to which you do not have the sources you can use this technique:

  % touch empty.s
  % as empty.s -o empty.o
  % cat > pagesize.t
        .foo :
                LONG (CONSTANT(MAXPAGESIZE)) ;

  % ld -T pagesize.t empty.o
  % objdump -Dz a.out
  00000000 <.foo>:
   0:   00 10                   add    %dl,(%eax)
   2:   00 00                   add    %al,(%eax)

Voila, the max page size for this particular target is 0x1000.


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