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Re: PowerPC 32 : GOT access not optimized for DSO-scope static variable ?

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 04:37:27PM +0200, yon ar c'hall wrote:
> So is there any possible optimization regarding static DSO scope
> variables access (and variables with visibility=hidden as well) for
> PowerPC ?

It is possible, but gcc -m32 does not implement this sort of
optimisation.  gcc -m64 does.  eg.

        addis 9,2,static_var@toc@ha
        lwz 3,static_var@toc@l(9)
        extsw 3,3


        .section        ".toc","aw"
        .quad   global_var
        addis 10,2,.LC0@toc@ha
        ld 9,.LC0@toc@l(10)
        lwz 3,0(9)
        extsw 3,3

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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