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Re: CLOOG/ppl failure in ct-ng 1.9.0

Bryan, All,

On Friday 14 January 2011 004718 Bryan Hundven wrote:
> My understanding here was that someday the master cloog repo would get
> PPL support.
> As you mention, maybe we are not there yet.

Yes, _eventually_. ;-)

> Oh! I didn't notice that repository. So if we updated to 0.16.0 and
> 0.16.1, we would want cloog-parma (?!?).

Yes. But we do not want to bump for now, as:
- gcc requires the 0.15 API
- CLooG 0.16+ has a new API

Yes, 0.16+ still retained the 0.15 API, but it is deprecated. So I believe
there is a risk that things go amiss if we were to upgrade to 0.16...

> In that case, we should clean up ct-ng's config stuff. Some places, we
> want to just say CLOOG, and some places we want CLOOG_PPL and others
> For instance, CT_CLOOG_VERSION would stay the same and CT_CLOOG would
> stay the same, but the version going into CT_CLOOG_VERSION might come
> from either:
> CT_CLOOG_PPL_V_0_15_9
> or
> because, when the master cloog repository gets the PPL backend
> support, we will have:
> CT_CLOOG_V_x_xx_x
> (which is what it is now, and is misleading)

There is a better solution I think, when we add the 0.16:
- keep the CLOOG_V_x_y_z options
- have the 0.15.z select CLOOG_IS_CLOOG_PPL
- have the 0.16.z slect CLOOG_IS_CLOOG_PARMA

Yann E. MORIN.

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