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Re: setup-2001-11-02-6.exe

Charles Wilson wrote:
> But I can't, now.  My only choices are 2.52-1, 2.13-2, uninstall, and 
> source.  Where'd my "skip" go?
Charles, this is actually where the keep belongs - since the package is already 
installed then you should be able to keep the current version whereas if the 
package were not installed at all then you should have the skip option.

What I believe you have stumbled into is a similar problem to what Chris found 
in his post "setup.exe: no skip/keep presented".  For whatever reason setup is 
not selecting "keep" as one of the valid responses for this installed package - 
probably a field or some other mismatch in setup.ini, I think I have seen this 
when the version currently installed is not in the current list of versions in 
setup.ini (in some preliminary program changes I was working on once), but I am 
sure there are other reasons.  Based on the version numbers you mention - this 
appears to bee the case.  

One of the changes I had been working on once upon a time was that setup needs 
to account for the instance where the currently installed version is not the 
Prev, Curr, or Test Version listed in setup.ini and allow the operator to 
reinstall, keep, redownload, whatever even this version - essentially looking 
at is as 4 versions not just 3 - Installed, Prev, Curr, and Test.

Brian Keener

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