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I think I've seen the light.

I think that selecting individual version numbers in setup is
evil and should be abolished.  The only way to get old versions
should be at a macro level.  You click a button and get all of
the old stuff, you click another button and get all of the current
stuff, you click another button to get all of the test stuff.

I think that Robert is right that if you click on test you should
only get packages that have test versions.  Ditto for prev.  Ditto
for curr.

So, I think the presentation should be something like:

				prev ( ) curr (.) test (.)

Package		 Action	  Bin	Source		Description
bash 2.05a	 install   [X]	[ ]		Blah, blah
fileutils 4.1-1	 uninstall [ ]  [X]		Blah, blah
make 3.79.1-5	 install   [x]  [ ]
			gray because
		        it is already

There are no skip, keep, reinstall, or source options.  Just install and
uninstall.  If you want to install source, you select the install action
and click on source.  If you only want the source and bin is checked,
uncheck bin.  This won't cause an uninstall.  It will only cause bin not
to be installed.

We could use colors in the Bin field to indicate things like
"installed due to dependency" (blue) or "uncheck me at your
peril" (red).

I think this would simplify things a lot and maybe cut down on
use confusion.

Actually, we could even get rid of the individual actions and add
another button on the top to flip between the install and uninstall

Install (.) Uninstall ( )		prev ( ) curr (.) test (.)

Package		 Bin	Source		Description
bash 2.05a	 [X]	[ ]		Blah, blah
fileutils 4.1-1	 [ ]	[X]		Blah, blah
make 3.79.1-5	 [x]	[ ]		Blah, blah



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