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Re: Contemplating ITP-ing apache 2. Wondering about layout.

Max Bowsher wrote:

I'm contemplating ITP-ing apache 2.

It seems that practically every distribution has it's own favourite way to lay out directories of apache. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to deal with this?

#   Cygwin 1.x layout
<Layout Cygwin>
    exec_prefix:   ${prefix}/usr
    bindir:        ${exec_prefix}/bin
    libdir:        ${exec_prefix}/lib
    libexecdir:    ${exec_prefix}/lib/apache2/modules
    includedir:    ${exec_prefix}/include/apache2
    sbindir:       ${exec_prefix}/sbin
    sysconfdir:    ${prefix}/etc/apache2
    installbuilddir: ${prefix}/share/apr-build
    mandir:        ${exec_prefix}/share/man
    infodir:       ${exec_prefix}/share/info
    localstatedir: ${prefix}/var
    proxycachedir: ${localstatedir}/cache/apache2/proxy
    runtimedir:    ${localstatedir}/run
    logfiledir:    ${localstatedir}/log/apache2
    datadir:       ${prefix}/var/www
    cgidir:        ${datadir}/cgi-bin
    errordir:      ${datadir}/error
    htdocsdir:     ${datadir}/default-site/htdocs
    iconsdir:      ${datadir}/icons
    manualdir:     ${htdocsdir}/manual

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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