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RE: [ITP] glitz-0.4.4

Corinna Vinschen wrote on Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:22 AM:

> On Feb  1 20:46, Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
>> Glitz is an optional backend for cairo (the graphics rendering
>> library, which is a gtk+-2.8 requirement).  It's already in Debian
>> testing, just needs a GTG review (and there's no gtk-doc this time!
>> :-)) 
> For the records, I just uploaded this package without having noticed
> that you're talking about debian-testing.  Debian-testing
> does not mean
> it's already in a distro.  I'll let this one slip through now, but in
> future, debian-testing will require votes, as does debian-unstable.

Available for Gentoo as stable package:

- Jörg

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