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Re: [setup patch] paint older-to-install versions red

Reini Urban wrote:

> Setup has a strange versioning logic:
> The setup.ini lastmodified date overrides the package number
> This patch marks the spin button red of such packages which installed
> version numbers are higher than the current version of setup.exe, when
> setup wants to overwrite "newer" versions.
> Usually I have to click the spin buttons on those a couple of numbers.
> It's a useful visual feedback of todo's.

I understand the problem, but I don't like the solution at all:

Firstly, it's "mystery meat" UI.  A user sees a package in red.  What
does this mean?  It's indecipherable unless they happen to have read
this thread.  We'll get questions.

Secondly, we have the problem of non-default color schemes.  What we
have now is compatible because it's implemented as "use the currently
configured background color, and invert it for the foreground."  But
when you start hardcoding colors you have no way to know whether they
will be visible at all given the color scheme the user has configured.

Thirdly, I don't want to open the flood gates to colors.  I know that it
seems tempting to start painting all kinds of things in different colors
to make it easier to navigate, but without some forethought or some kind
of design guidelines it's just going to be an ad-hoc mess.  And, we're
already doing absolutely horrid in the accessibility department as is.

How about instead a command line flag to say "don't downgrade anything
even if [curr] of the setup.ini I'm told to read says to"?  Then you
won't need to be visually indicated of anything because you won't have
to manually cycle any versions to keep.


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