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Re: [ITP] mintty 0.3.4

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

> Glad to help.  Under the circumstances, I'll let someone else to review
> the packages.  It's a really quick build with deps only on cygwin and
> w32api, so I hope someone will step forward quickly.

Packaging looks good, and builds fine from source. Just one quibble with
the package; the following CFLAGS as used:

-MMD -MP -include std.h -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -DNDEBUG
-march=i586 -mtune=pentium-m -fomit-frame-pointer -Os -DVERSION=0.3.4

Most of these are uncontroversial (although the -include std.h is a bit
odd; I assume this is something MinTTY inherited from Putty). However,
I'm not sure what the cygwin policy is on -march=-i586.  This flag means
that the generated code will not work on i486 and below; while -mtune
merely implies that the code is optimized for pentium-m but should work
on any other processor not specifically disallowed by -march.

Doesn't cygwin officially support i386, or are we allowed to assume i586
and above, now?


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