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Re: bug tracker discussion

On 8/20/2010 11:01 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Can I get a show of hands?  How many package maintainers would like to
> have a bug tracker?

-0 (Not in favor, but I'll monitor it if it's implemented.)

We're still going to have to monitor the mailing list, so this just adds
burden AFAICT. Does anyone really think we'll get fewer duplicate
reports or better reports with a bug tracker? I don't. I expect it'll
either not get used or get so full of cruft that it'll become unusable.

> And, in that line, how about per-package FAQs on the cygwin site?

Isn't that what the /usr/share/doc/Cygwin files are for? What's the
advantage of having a FAQ section on the cygwin site? How will it be

David Rothenberger  ----

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