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cygport: question about dodoc

Is there a simple way to use dodoc to copy a whole directory (and its subdirectories) into /usr/share/doc/${PN}?

Currently I have an example in which I want to achieve the effect of

   dodir /usr/share/doc/${PN}
   cp -r ${S}/manual/ ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PN}

In this example, "manual" has a subdirectory "en", which contains some files and a subdirectory "images". The only way I could see to do this using dodoc is:

   docinto manual/en
   dodoc ${S}/manual/en/*
   docinto manual/en/images
   dodoc ${S}/manual/en/images/*

I was hoping for something simpler, like

dodoc ${S}/manual/

but that doesn't work.


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