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Re: perl-5.22.0-RC2 / Perl distributions

On 5/25/2015 2:31 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Ken Brown writes:
biber-1.8 seems fine with perl-5.22.0.  Since I may be out of town
with poor internet access when you're ready for the transition, I went
ahead and uploaded it to sourceware (x86_64 only), along with a new
release of texlive-collection-bibtexextra [*].  At transition time,
someone just has to put !ready in my x86_64 upload area.

Thanks, Ken.  Have a nice vacation!

Thanks, and thanks again for all your work on Perl.

BTW, I contacted Philip Kime, the author of Biber, about Unicode::Normalize. He told me that version 1.18 is unusably slow. Here's a bug report he filed about it:

I think he's planning to pursue it further.


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