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Re: [PATCH setup 4/4] Use a drop-down list to directly select chooser view filter

On 30/08/2016 14:01, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug 29 11:04, Jon Turney wrote:
Rather than a button for cycling through views, use a drop-down list to
choose the view

Remove not very useful PickView::views::Unknown enum value so that enum can
start from 0, so it can be used directly as a drop-down list index.

Almost Perfect.  Please apply, without the colon after "View" (compare
with "Search").


What still bugs me is that the static text elements do not vertically
align with the texts in the input elements.  I. e., the word "View" is a
dot or two lower than, say, the word "Category" in the drop down menu.
Same for "Search" and the input field.  Can we fix this easily?  Any
such patch is pre-approved.

I don't quite understand why the text doesn't look centered on the control at the moment.

The controls are the standard 14 DLUs high, 1 vertical DLU = 1/8th of the average character height, and (14 - 8)/2 = 3 DLUs is used as the offset between the top of the control and the top of the label.

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