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Re: participation!

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 07:13:36AM -0700, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>--- Todd Goodman <> wrote:
>> I don't typically respond to those questions because I don't feel I have
>> the right to give input without also contributing in a more active
>> manner.  Perhaps that's the wrong attitude?
>Giving an opinion to an asked question is a viable contribution.  So, yes
>you've a wrong attitude, please modify it.

Also being asked "try something out" like a snapshot or setup.exe does not
require knowledge of C, C++, configure, etc.  It just requires taking the
time to try the software and report back with a success or failure.

So, the attitude of "I am not a really good programmer" isn't a particularly
good excuse for not contributing either.

I would love to have some more people contributing code but having
knowledgeable people trying out new features would be very valuable,


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