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Re: More about charsets

Corinna Vinschen:
> No. ÂWhat I mean is, if somebody chooses a language_TERRITORY code which
> default codepage is 936, then set the codeset to "GB2312". ÂIf somebody
> explicitely chooses "GBK", stick to it. ÂIf somebody chooses "EUC-CN",
> map it to GB2312. ÂThat reflects what Linux does. ÂSo that's what
> happens:
> Âsetlocale (LC_CTYPE, "zh_CN");
> Âprintf ("%s\n", nl_langinfo (CODESET));
> Â==> Â"GB2312"
> Âsetlocale (LC_CTYPE, "zh_CN.gbk");
> Âprintf ("%s\n", nl_langinfo (CODESET));
> Â==> Â"GBK"
> Âsetlocale (LC_CTYPE, "zh_CN.eucCN");
> Âprintf ("%s\n", nl_langinfo (CODESET));
> Â==> Â"GB2312"

Looks good to me.

>> > Btw., apart from EUC-TW, what's missing as well is BIG5-HKSCS. ÂI read
>> > and the Windows specific section,
>> > but I'm still puzzled how this is supposed to work. ÂDoes Vista's
>> > codepage 950 contain the HKSCS elements or not?!?
>> Nope, it doesn't. For XP there's an installable package that turns
>> codepage 950 into BIG5-HKSCS. As far as I understand it, in Vista MS
>> gave up on the idea of extending BIG5, and instead interpreted the
>> HKSCS spec as a requirement for fonts and programs to support the
>> Unicode codepoints needed for Cantonese. Here's Michael Kaplan
>> sounding off on codepage "951":
> Too bad. ÂI hope it's not overly critical. ÂRight now standard Big5 is
> our default for zh_HK as well as for zh_TW.

I guess it's a case of "use zh_CN.UTF-8 instead", as it appears that's
what was the intention with HKSCS-2004. Wikipedia has this to say on
HKSCS on Linux: "HKSCS support was added to glibc in 2000, but it has
not been updated since then. HKSCS-2004 support is handled as Unicode
4.1 and later."


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