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Re: Cygintl-3.dll was not found

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 05:34:02PM -0500, mwoehlke wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 12:38:47PM -0700, infoterror wrote:
>>>Under windows, programs are installed by default in "C:\Program Files."
>>>cygwin's preferred "c:\cygwin" is foolish and makes an unnecessary mess
>>>of installations.
>>I disagree.  Not all packages install in "c:\Program Files" and putting
>>Cygwin's root directory there would mean extra typing, potential
>>"filename with spaces" problems, and, most importantly, it would mean 10
>>extra characters eaten from the MAX_PATH limit.  Also, as is pointed out
>>later in this thread, there is a whole filesystem underneath the
>>c:\cygwin directory.  Right or wrong, I've always considered Cygwin to
>>be sort of a parallel to the Windows directory.
>>You can, of course, choose your own location, however.  I don't see why
>>this should be a big issue for anyone who installs Cygwin.  If they know
>>about "c:\Program Files" and think that's the place that cygwin should
>>go, they are welcome to put things there.
>>What kind of problems do you think are being caused by installing to
>>"c:\cygwin" and/or what kind of problems would be solved by installing
>>to "c:\Program Files\cygwin"?
>Whew. Thanks for wording that better than what I was managing. :-)


So what kind of response would you expect to my mail?  More "thin
intelligence", "foolish" responses?

>...And for better or worse, Cygwin isn't breaking any rules Microsoft 
>themselves haven't broken.

Yeah there is that and I resisted the urge to say something about
foolish consistencies, too.


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