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Re: SNR calculations (was Re: setup.exe missing from FTP site)

Igor Peshansky wrote:

Even if the diagonal size wasn't less than the diameter of the hole, my
son, when he was 1 year old, usually just used a hammer.

That, or assume that at the speed of light either the hole or the photon
will give...

Nah, you guys are all wrong. A square photon is one whose oscillations follow a square-wave pattern rather than sinusoidal. Thus, by Fourier decomposition it can be shown that the square photon is actually composed of an infinite sequence of equal-or-higher-frequency "regular" sinusoidal ones. So: a square photon actually has /higher/ energy content than a regular photon with the same fundamental frequency: in the limit, it has infinite energy. Say, maybe we could harness one of these suckers to solve the world's greenhouse gas emission issues by eliminating dependence on hydrocarbons. Boy, Big Oil won't like that idea -- HEY -- WHO ARE YOU GUYS -- LET ME GO -- WHAT ARE YOU DOI

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