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Re: First experiences with WSL (a.k.a. Bash on Windows)

On Aug 10, 2016, at 9:59 PM, Mark Geisert <> wrote:
> Warren Young wrote:
> [...]
> Would you kindly ?

That option doesn’t exist in this program.

I don’t see the problem anyway.  One unbroken line per paragraph is trivial to wrap in software, and then you get breaks where *you* like them, rather than where *I* like them.

Choosing not to insert hard breaks in paragraphs also allows me to post the too-common long modern URLs without using a shortener, so you can see where I intend for you to go before you click.

If your advice is to switch to a different mailer, there are only two others that have even slight appeal to me on this platform, and the maker of the first has repeatedly threatened to abandon its development, and the second costs more money than I believe the problem is worth.  After all, *I* don’t have a problem with the status quo.  So, do you want to buy me a software license to solve *your* problem? :)

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