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RE: lesstif binary's installation

No idea what are you trying to do.
Shared region corrupted is an idication of your cygwin1.dll being incompatible.
Please ask your questions by subscribing to cygwin-xfree mailing list
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano federici []
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 11:11 AM
To: Ssiddiqi@InspirePharm.Com
Subject: lesstif binary's installation

I'm trying to use the lesstif binary distribution. I found the distribution at the site, but I haven't found instructions on how to make it work. Indeed, I tried to run the mwm.exe file in the /bin directory and it told me that some lib*.dll file where missing. So I moved some dll from the X11r6.4 distribution to the /cygwin/usr/local/bin directory. Now the mwm.exe answer if the following:
e:\Stefano\Downloads\Cygnus\lesstif-0.90-cygwin-1.1\lesstif\bin\mwm.exe: *** shared region is corrupted.  inited 11
      0 [main] ? 0 lpfu: void pinfo::record_death (int):374 having problems getting lock
    208 [main] ? 0 lpfu: *** void proc_terminate ()(486), pid 151  unlocked, rc-1, Win32 error 6
    418 [main] ? 0 unlock_pinfo: ReleaseMutext (pinfo_mutex<0x0>) failed, Win32 error 6

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