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RE: _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to ro ot

 Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged 
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C 
Warning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default 

Are you sure you are not using one of the libX11.dll from July to September
2000? Do a search on your disk and delete old dll from X11R6.4.
Use everything from current distribution.


-----Original Message-----
From: Suhaib Siddiqi
To: ''' '
Sent: 4/18/2001 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to ro

I am on crapy OutLokk for Web, so I am going to cut and paste to answer

that means your lines are getting mixed _XSERVTransxxxx should be on a
separate line, if I am not mistaken....  is your sever starting at all?

>Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root

Ignore it.  It is just a warning one of these days in future it will
disappear.  I need to find a fix for it.  Inititially this was
server startup because Windows has no "root" user.

>Line 88 of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy invalid
Well, are you on a text (DOS) mounted cygwin mount point? do a mount at
if all the disks are mounted as "text" then that is your problem.  We
binary (binmode) mount points.

>when I start xterm,  \[\033]0;\w\007\033[32m\]\u@\h
appears as the  prompt.

Are you starting xterm with xterm -e /usr/bin/bash, which would allow
you to
use bash shell in xterm? 
Also try changing
PS1='\[\033]0;\w\007\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]$ '

PS1="\[\033]0;\w\007\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]$ "
It seems to work better under xterm if you use bash shell.


-----Original Message-----
From: George J. Wakileh
To: ''
Sent: 4/18/2001 8:42 PM
Subject: _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root


Can somebody kindly comment on the following?

_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root

Line 88 of /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy invalid, ignoring
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Warning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default

In fact, the above message appears for all the lines of SecurityPolicy.

export PS1='\[\033]0;\w\007\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]$ '
fine under bash.  However, when I start xterm, 
\[\033]0;\w\007\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]$ appears as the 

Many thanks to all the people who worked on cygwin and xfree.  You are 
commended for the great job you have done.

Kind regards,


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