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Things work nicely under Win 2000.


I now got things to work nicely under Win 2000 -with some warnings.

I have /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin, which contains

In /home/wakileh/.xsession, I have
# start some programs
XWin -screen 0 1024x768x16 -whitepixel 255 -blackpixel 0 &
xterm -geometry 85x25+0+0 -T "Alt-F4 to Quit X-Server" -C -e bash &
blackbox &
# twm &

xclock -geometry 180x25+670+0 -digital &
xfig -iconic &
xclock -geometry 80x60+770+45 -hl blue -update 1 &
xbiff  -geometry 80x60+680+125 &
xeyes  -geometry 80x60+770+125 +shape &
xcalc  -geometry 146x185-0+0 &
xterm -geometry 80x18-0+205 -T `hostname`": xterm" -e bash &
xterm -geometry 80x16-0-18 -C -T `hostname`": Console" -e bash &
xterm -geometry 85x25+0-18 -T "Type 'exit' to logout"  -C -e bash &


I then start the X-Server by typing 'startxwin' in the bash window. 
 Unfortunately, I could not make a screenshot to show -I am still new to 

Can anybody share the executables for nedit, xload, xman, xcal?  I could 
not compile with cygwin 1.1.8.  There are always missing .h files or so. 
 Also, does anybody have the app-defaults file for xfig.  It is the one 
residing in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults?

Thanks and kind regards.


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