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RE: xc/config/cf/cygwin.rules - ComplexProgramTarget_1

> It's even stated in cygwin.rules that ComplexProgramTarget_X is broken.

I know.  I stated it :)

> But what about adding an AllTarget($(PROGRAMX)) for all
> ComplexProgramTarget_X
> We would get multiple lines "all:: $(PROGRAMX)".  It works in a
> similar way
> for install.

The purpose is to try an use as few modified rules for Cygwin as possible.
By fixing ComplexProgramTarget_1 we can fall back on the default rules for
_2 through _10, which saves a lot of clutter in cygwin.rules and reduces the
number of rules that must be maintained.

I can't remember for sure, but there may have been another reason as well...
I'll have to try to dig it up again.


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