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modified script

Hello Harold, Alex and Suhaib,

I have a modified startup-script, which maybe could help to lower your support
requests on the list.
It is not really useful :-), but you could post it on your page to make it
available for new users.

Supports normal X sessions, XDMCP both with clipboard.


#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=
eval `ssh-agent`

# Cleanup from last run.
rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix

# Startup the X Server, the twm window manager, and an xterm.
# Notice that the window manager and the xterm will wait for
# the server to finish starting before trying to connect; the
# error "Cannot Open Display:" is not due to the
# clients attempting to connect before the server has started, rather
# that error is due to a bug in some versions of cygwin1.dll.  Upgrade
# to the latest cygwin1.dll if you get the "Cannot Open Display" error.
# See the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ for more information:
# The error "Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'" is
# caused by using a DOS mode mount for the mount that the Cygwin/XFree86
# fonts are accessed through.  See the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ for more
# information:

echo "use following options:"
echo "start X in normal mode            [1]"
echo "start X in XDMCP, ask ips         [2]"
read response
case "$response" in
	# Start the X Server.
	XWin -ac -emulate3buttons 100 -screen 0 1024 768 -nowinkill -unixkill &

	# Start clipboard
        sleep 5
	xwinclip &

	# Start the twm window manager.
	twm &

	# Set a background color to hide that nasty X stipple.
	xsetroot -solid aquamarine4

	# Start an xterm.
	xterm -n xterm-1 -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar -geometry +361+0 -e bash &

	# copy your Xmodmap into /usr/X11R6/bin
	xmodmap ./ &
	echo "Please enter the IP/name of the XDMCP client:"
	read query
	from=$(ipconfig|grep 'IP Address'|awk -F '[ :]+' '{print $14}')
	echo "IP: $from  Is this your IP for computer for the XDMCP? [y/n]"
	read enterIP
	case "$enterIP" in
	        # Start the X Server.
	        XWin -ac -emulate3buttons 100 -screen 0 1024
768 -nowinkill -unixkill -from $from -query $query&

	        # Start clipboard
        	sleep 5
		echo "Please enter the IP/name of your interface for the XDMCP"
 		read from

		# Start the X Server.
		XWin -ac -emulate3buttons 100 -screen 0 1024 768 -nowinkill -unixkill -from
$from -query $query&

	        # Start clipboard
	        sleep 5
	echo "Aborting"
	exit 2

# Return from sh.

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