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Re: problem: occasional keystroke doubling (a known issue?)


Lev Bishop wrote:

Well, it looks like while I was composing that message there were people solving the same problem. How nice that the cygwin/xfree86 community is so responsive as to be able to post me fixes before I've even finished posting the problem report ;-)

We aim to please :)

Anyway, "xset r off" does, indeed, seem to fix my problems, and even without turning off autorepeat (which is presumably handled by windows independently).


Now, if I could only find a way to turn this off programmatically, once and for all. This X key repeat feature is completely unnecessary since Windows handles key repeats for us. I tried to interface with the same code that xset interfaces with, but it did not seem that this interface was meant to be built into an X Server. Perhaps someone else can help me figure out how to disable this. It could be a simple as a build flag, but I have never come across it.


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