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Re: -nounixkill appears broken in Windows 2000


Alexander Gottwald wrote:

On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, John M. Adams wrote:

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that -[no]unixkill is not working with XWin
-[no]winkill does work.

Hm, quite strange.

The options do work, but are superseeded by the device independent

Now there are two different places where these keys are handled. In the xwin-specific code where we filter the keypress and terminate
xwin if unixkill is set and inside the dix layer which now handles ctrl-alt-backspace internally (without displaying the dialogbox).

Do you know when they changed this? I never noticed any news about it.

you can temporarily disable it with

xmodmap "keycode 22 = BackSpace"

and enable it with

xmodmap "keycode 22 = BackSpace Terminate_Server"

Are we going to need to rework the way that nounixkill works? Or maybe #ifdef out the handling in the dix layer?


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