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Small clipboard bug triggered by gvim


I recently started using Cygwin/X a bit more, and it works amazingly well!

I did, however, stumble upon a small bug using the built-in "-clipboard" handling: when using a GTK2 gvim, consecutive selections are not copied to the Windows clipboard.

Here's how to recreate this:

Build a GTK2 version of gvim. (Alternatively, just use a GTK2 gvim on a Linux box, for instance.)
Start Cygwin/X, using
run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
(e.g. using the standard batch file).
Start an xterm.
Start Notepad (or some other native Win app).
Start gvim. Type
Hello, World!
Select the string "Hello" in gvim.
Middle-click in xterm. Result: "Hello".
Paste in Notepad. Result: "Hello".
Select the string "World" in gvim.
Middle-click in xterm. Result: "World".
Paste in Notepad. Result: "Hello". Oops...
Select something in Notepad and copy it to the clipboard.
Re-select the string "World" in gvim.
Paste in Notepad. Result: "World". Now it does work...

When starting Cygwin/X without "-clipboard", and running xwinclip by hand, it appears to work fine.

Best regards,

– Michael

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