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Re: read bug in Cygwin xterm window only

Peter Farley wrote:
Hi all,

The following program demonstrates what looks to me
like a bug in the "read" function in an xterm (as
opposed to a Cygwin console window).  To run the test,
compile with:

gcc -g -o xtermbug.exe xtermbug.c

When you run it in a console window, you can enter
normal keyboard characters, then a return to see
"cmdline=<what you typed>".  Press the Esc key to exit
the program.

Unfortunately I'm seeing exactly the same problem too, and have so for some time. I've also noticed that a read() giving a particular length will ignore the length field and actually read more data in some cases.

I haven't seen these problems under a normal console, nor under xterm on other operating systems (e.g. Linux).

When run in an xterm window, the first keypress causes this behavior:

1. Select returns with rc = 0 and readset set to
indicate that a key was received
2. "read" returns with kblen = 1 and kbbuf[0] = '\0'
3. (1) and (2) repeat forever.

I put in a "maxdbg" parameter and terminate the
program after 5 occurrences of this loop.

This problem was first detected trying to run a copy
of the hercules IBM mainframe emulator in a Cygwin
xterm window.  The code below is extracted and
minimalized as much as possible from the hercules
keyboard input routine.

Peter Farley

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