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Re: Emacs problem after rebaseall: some progresses?

Charles Wilson wrote:

> *I* wonder, if xemacs were rebuilt against the CURRENT ncurses
> libraries (libncurses8), would it still have similar problems -- e.g.
> would you need to rebaseall and then reinstall libncursesEIGHT?
> If so, it's a problem I need to track down, as the ncurses
> maintainer. If
> not, then the XEmacs maintainer should simply release a new version,
> recompiled against the new ncurses.


as the title of this mail says, it is Emacs (21.2-13, 21.3.50-2, started
from X), NOT XEmacs (21.4.17-1, 21.5.16-1), that has problems after
rebasing all the system.

The problem.
There are applications that need rebasing (... unable to remap...). But
after rebasing all, Emacs does not show its window and take almost 100% of
CPU (one can only kill it). If one reinstall libncurses7-5.3-4, Emacs
works again as it should.  

For what I know, Emacs is the only X application that has this problem.


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