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RE: Tekplot application repeatedly redraws under XFree

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 10:20 -0500, Berndt, Jon S wrote:
> > O.k. It sounds like tekplot's problem then on the way it's 
> > dealing with window events.
> > 
> > Alan.
> You might be on to something, though. I started up the IRIX window
> manager, 4Dwm. Most of my windows then had the standard MS-Windows
> frame, and within that, the Motif-style window manager
> decorations/frame. If I made a plot using Tekplot, and moved the plot
> window around when it initially had the MS-Windows frame around it, then
> the window would redraw once. At that time the "extra" MS-Windows style
> frame would disappear, and the only remaining frame was the 4Dwm frame.
> At that point, nothing I could do seemed to cause a redraww of the plot
> window. I'm using rxvt. Now, I'm wondering if I ought to use only native
> X-windows apps, xterms, etc.
> I'd also like to be able to start up Xwin with NO window manager, if I
> can start one up on the remote machine (like 4Dwm on the remote IRIX
> machine). Is that possible? Which window manager starts up when the X
> server is started up on the local PC?

Look in /usr/X11R6/bin/ and look for the line that says...

XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error &

and change it to

XWin -rootless -clipboard -silent-dup-error

That will give you an Xserver with no window manager and then allow you
to start the one from your IRIX box.


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