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Re: rxvt fonts size setting problem for X/Cygwin

On 11/22/05, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, faif cn wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I use rxvt in cygwin in dos shell without X. Font size is set on
> > ".Xdefaults" as
> > "Rxvt*font: Lucida Console-14"
> >
> > But when I run rxvt in X, the fonts size of rxvt terminal is too
> > small. The same setting seems not affect rxvt in X? How can I keep
> > fonts as same as big in cygwin dos shell?
> First off, if you use rxvt, it's not a DOS shell.
> Secondly, X uses a different font selection scheme from W11 (the X
> interface wrapper around the native Windows calls that rxvt uses).  W11
> uses Windows font names.  For a list of available X fonts, run xlsfonts
> (or use xfontsel to select fonts visually).
Thank you. If I understand you right, the fonts name shown by xlsfonts
or xfontsel should be used for X. But I changed .Xdefaults font
section by using name listed by xlsfonts, the native rxvt fonts
changes, whereas X version rxvt doesn't. Am I missing your points?

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