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Re: Mutex init failure trying to run Scribus

Brian Dessent wrote:
> If I understand this right you can safely comment out the above check
> without affecting much of anything, just to shut up gdb.  Or you can try
> "handle SIGSEGV nostop, noprint, pass".  But then you'd miss a
> legitimate SEGV -- I don't know if that's what you're trying to track
> down or not.

No, the original problem was not a SIGSEGV, it was that the program just exited
silently after showing the splash screen and doing some initalizations.

This only happened with post 1.5.18 Cygwin dll, but I built the qt library (with
debug enabled) and the problem disapeared.  I'm rebuilding the library now w/o

Thanks again.
René Berber

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