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Re: Cygwin/X on multiple displays, nothing displayed

On 8/29/06, Brian Ford <> wrote:
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Justin Patrin wrote:

> Does anyone have any clues how to fix this issue?

-multiplemonitors ?

Thanks, I should have checked for/tried that previously. Unfortunately it makes no difference at all. I've attempted some more things and here is what I have found:

-multiplemonitors makes no difference with any of the other options I tried.

-multiwindow is my default mode and works on one monitor but not on
two. Some more testing today has shown that output works only on the
leftmost monitor but only at the resolution of the primary monitor.

My LCD is the primary (can't be changed) and is at 1024x768. My
secondary monitor is normally to the left of my LCD and is at
1280x1024. If I make it the left-most screen X windows work on the LCD
perfectly but when dragged onto the second monitor they go blank. When
I make my second monitor the left-most screen window contents display
fine on that screen but only within the top-left 1024x768 of it.

-rootless only allows display on the primary monitor, if I attempt to
drag windows off the edge they end up over the edge but only displayed
on the primary monitor.

Using neither of the previous gives me a window with X inside it and
works fine on either screen (but is not particularly usable within

Justin Patrin

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