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Re: Cygwin/X on multiple displays, nothing displayed

Justin Patrin wrote:
> My LCD is the primary (can't be changed) and is at 1024x768. My
> secondary monitor is normally to the left of my LCD and is at
> 1280x1024. If I make it the left-most screen X windows work on the LCD
> perfectly but when dragged onto the second monitor they go blank. When
> I make my second monitor the left-most screen window contents display
> fine on that screen but only within the top-left 1024x768 of it.

For different resolution monitors you need to use -multiwindow and the -screen
option, take a look at "XWin --help":
-screen scr_num [width height [x y] | [[WxH[+X+Y]][@m]] ]
        Enable screen scr_num and optionally specify a width and
        height and initial position for that screen. Additionally
        a monitor number can be specified to start the server on,
        at which point, all coordinates become relative to that
        monitor (Not for Windows NT4 and 95). Examples:
         -screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ; 2nd monitor offset 100,100 size 800x600
         -screen 0 1024x768@3        ; 3rd monitor size 1024x768
         -screen 0 @1 ; on 1st monitor using its full resolution (the default)
René Berber

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