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Re: Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.

In the POSIX API there is a function that takes a file descriptor and
returns true if that descriptor is associated with a "terminal", false
otherwise.  The effective definition of "terminal" is therefore
"something that causes that function to return true".  :)

Xterms running under Cygwin are designed to do whatever it is that
makes the Cygwin version of the function return true, but non-Cygwin
programs have their own idea (perhaps based on a Windows POSIX layer
version of the same function, perhaps not), and apparently
Cygwin/xterm doesn't pass muster.  More than likely the only thing
that looks like a "terminal" to the Windows ssh client is a command
prompt console window (do they still call those "DOS boxes"?).

On 2/1/07, Christopher Faylor <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 04:42:59PM -0800, peter360 wrote:
>Indeed!  It turns out I was using c:\WINDOWS\System32\ssh.exe, which I have
>no idea how it got there...  I installed openssh and the problem was fixed.
>Just out of curiosity, how does a program check if stdin is a "terminal"?
>My xterm looks like a terminal to me but apparently the windows version of
>ssh.exe couldn't figure that out...

Windows doesn't know what a "terminal" is.  Cygwin invents its own concept
but only Cygwin programs are aware of this.

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