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solved: X compile fails for missing (internal?) symbols

The original problem report is

After that problem was solved, two others emerged. This message documents fixes for all three.

1) As posted earlier

xftpat.o:xftpat.c:(.text+0x3c2): undefined reference to `_FcPatternInsertElt'
xftpat.o:xftpat.c:(.text+0x3ce): undefined reference to `_FcPatternFindElt'

   The symbol names have changed as documented in That post
   contains two alternative patches, one that patches both xftint.h and
   xftpat.c and a second patch that changes only xftint.h with defines.
   The former patch worked for me, but the latter "even quicker" patch did
   not work for me.

2) Bad includes in lib/font/FreeType/ftfuncs.c
   Briefly, a #define symbol that specified a file to be included in
   a #include was not defined, and hence, the file to be included could
   not be found.

The fix is dirty. Place the line

#define HasFreetype2 NO

   in config/cf/host.def. I realize that X is supposed to be built using
   the installed cygwin freetype package, but I could not figure out
   how to get X to use the cygwin package.  By forcing HasFreetype2 to NO,
   X builds a copy of the library for itself. Maybe someone else knows
   or can figure out a better solution.

3) #include png.h fails.

   libpng is not specified as a dependency
   in, but is is
   needed to build X.

With those fixes X compiled for me.

Your mileage may vary,



Dick Repasky
Center for Computational Cytomics
UITS Cubicle 101.08
Indiana University

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