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Re: xterm not accepting Window Title name changes

Hum... The PS1 setting. Nope, that's not the problem.

The root of the settitle() function is NOT the setting of PS1. It's setting in /etc/profile is commented out. In my local .profile, PS1 is set to just '$PWD'. I have verified that there are no other hidden settings of PS1.

I tried your settitle() function, and the title remains unchanged: basename of the shell.

My posting in the archives envolves the use of 'rxvt' only and has nothing to do with xterm. I always startup '' from a non-rxvt window (e.g. the console window).

Regardless what shell I'm using, it always seems to get it's basename into the window. Hum....

Does anyone else want to try a stab at this problem?

Brian Dessent wrote:
Paul McFerrin wrote:

I can't seem to get xterm to recognize Window Title name changes via the

echo "\0332;new_title\07\c"

You were just recently posting in the thread where this came up before: <> and <>. Specifically, the default Cygwin prompt (PS1) contains characters that set the title so anything you do that doesn't involve changing PS1 will have no effect -- or more precisely, your echo command above does set the title for a few milliseconds, until the next prompt overwrites it. (In your rxvt example, you aren't starting a login shell and thus /etc/profile isn't sourced and PS1 isn't set, which is presumably why it works there.)


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