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Re: [1.7] Updated: cygwin-1.7.0-45

Corinna Vinschen wrote on cygwin-announce:
> Hi folks,
> I just uploaded a new Cygwin 1.7 test release, 1.7.0-45.
> ...
> What's new in contrast to 1.7.0-44
> ===================================
> - A lot of character sets are supported now via a call to setlocale().
>   The setting of the environment variables $LANG, $LC_ALL or $LC_CTYPE will
>   be used.  For instance, setting $LANG to "de_DE.ISO-8859-15" before
>   starting a Cygwin session will use the ISO-8859-15 character set in
>   the entire session.  UTF-8 is supported as well, as in "en_US.UTF-8".
>   Along these lines, the "CYGWIN=codepage:{ansi,oem}" setting has been
>   removed in favor of using $LANG, $LC_ALL, or $LC_CTYPE.
This is a great step (to say that again).

Now that cygwin supports UTF-8 in a standard fashion, I think it's time 
to also add Unicode fonts to the Cygwin/X distribution. Otherwise the 
additional value of running xterm or rxvt in UTF-8 mode is quite limited.

I would be willing to provide the Unicode versions of the standard 
"misc-fixed" fonts (source: 
as a package maintainer, if that's accepted.
(I would appreciate some positive feedback before taking the effort 
to prepare the package.)

Kind regards,

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