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Re: Often lose window decoration when restore from standby

On 13/07/2009 20:35, KARR, DAVID (ATTCINW) wrote:
I'm using Cygwin 1.5.25 on WinXPSP2, along with Cygwin-built GNU Emacs

I run startxwin.bat on system startup.  After it comes up, I run Emacs,
and I get a good window with normal Windows-based window decorations.
My Windows shortcut does this:

    C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -geometry 1x1 -ls -cd c:\cygwin\home\dk068x -e
/usr/bin/bash -l -c /usr/bin/emacs

I often find that after I restore from Standby, I see an odd symptom, in
that the Emacs window no longer has any window decorations.  The edge of
the Emacs menu bar is the edge of the window.  If I kill the Emacs
process and start it again from the shortcut, even that doesn't fix it.
What fixes it is killing the Xwin process, rerunning startxwin.bat, and
then rerunning Emacs.

Very interesting, but I'm afraid I can't reproduce this problem.

Does this only affect emacs? or all X windows?

This might be caused by the internal WM thread not being able to talk to the server anymore after a resume, but I would have thought that would cause the whole process to terminate...

Can I see a /var/log/Xwin.0.log, please?

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